I already read everything. I read poems and plays and novels and newspapers and comic books and magazines. I read tins in supermarkets and leaflets that come through the door, unsolicited mail. None of it lasts long and it doesn't give me answers. Reading too fast is not soothing.

Janice Galloway
About This Quote

Reading too fast is not soothing. Reading too fast is an art. It is a way of life, not a form of entertainment. We read for the pleasure of it, to educate ourselves and to create a deeper understanding of our world.

To read too fast is to miss the very things reading is supposed to give us. In this quote, the author has just described what could be called a “knowledge junkie” or a person who reads way too much and accumulates knowledge but does not use that knowledge for anything.

Source: The Trick Is To Keep Breathing

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  1. I already read everything. I read poems and plays and novels and newspapers and comic books and magazines. I read tins in supermarkets and leaflets that come through the door, unsolicited mail. None of it lasts long and it doesn't give me answers. Reading too...

  2. It's asking for trouble to listen to music alone.

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